Friday, January 31, 2014

Alternative Medicine Resources - Using Homeopathic Remedies to Help Combat Pneumonia!

Pneumonia is an inflammation of your lungs and can be caused by one of three things which would be parasites, fungi or viruses. This can be extremely dangerous for those who may already have compromised immune systems as well as the elderly. The condition can be anywhere from mild to actually life threatening. No one is immune from it, so anyone can get it. The symptoms are the following:
  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Respiration problems
  • Chills
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Pain in the chest
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
There are a variety of homeopathic treatments that can help alleviate some of these symptoms but it is suggested that since pneumonia is a very complex condition that curing it with homeopathic treatments is not advisable. The treatments may help to relieve a lot of the symptoms it still is best that you continue with traditional medical treatment by visiting the doctor and following his instructions.
The doctor may put you on an antibiotic and other medicines to help get it under control. You should make sure that if you still experience chills, fever, a cough you can't get rid of and a fever over 102 degrees that you go back to the doctor and he may have to put you in the hospital.
However, there is nothing wrong with using some of the homeopathic treatments along with the medicine our doctor has put you on. Some of those treatments are listed below.
Belladonna can be used to help get rid of the headache, congestion, the fever and the pain that comes with having pneumonia. This will also help to rid you of the anxiety that might be associated with the pain and the discomfort that pneumonia can cause. As an adult you can take four tablets dissolved under the tongue. This can be done 4 times a day. Children should take two tablets just twice a day.
Carbo Veg is a remedy that is often used for the later stages of pneumonia and it is mainly used to help combat the exhaustion and the weakness that is caused from the pneumonia. It will also help with the coughing spells. As an adult you can take 4 tablets of it four times each day and let this dissolve under your tongue as well. For children they would take half of this dose.
Lycopodium can be used to help with breathing problems and the anxiety that might come with having pneumonia. For both adults and children over the age of two they can take 3 tablets one to three times each day by dissolving the tablets once again, under the tongue. You can stop the Lycopodium as soon as all of the symptoms are gone. No matter what don't take this for more than two weeks.
Phosphorus is used to treat a lot of severe cases of pneumonia. It will help to get rid of the chest constrictions, the congestion, pain in the chest, and the coughing bouts. This is recommended for anyone who has their lungs filled with the pneumonia. Adults should take 4 tablets under their tongue 4 times a day and children should take half that amount.
Remember these treatments are not meant to replace the treatment your doctor may have already put you on. They are only to help enhance the traditional treatments. Never try to self diagnose and self medicate. If you suspect pneumonia then get into see a doctor right away.
For more free Alternative Medicine Information download Annie's Free Alternative Medicine Information Pack at and join thousands of other people who are taking control of their health issues.
For other free information on a variety of issues please visit

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A Surprising Natural Remedy for a Cold or Flu

I recently read some advice on suggesting what I have been teaching for years, that oregano oil in a capsule acts like a broad-spectrum antiviral ("Vaccine Propaganda Heats Up-The Latest Scandals You Need to Be Aware of.", Feb 12, 2013).
There is much more to oregano and other essential oils than just a capsule. In fact, if you want fast action directly into your blood stream, there's an amazing method that will get quick and obvious results at the outset of the flu or a cold. This is a highly effective antiviral therapies among many others.
Because a virus multiplies so quickly, you'll want to act fast at the first symptom (slight chill or fever, scratchy throat, sinus headache, upset stomach, etc.). Go into instant action using a blend of oils I have been recommending for years. I use it aggressively in every way I can-ingestion, topical application, and diffusion (into the lungs). I call this the "lick trick."
You put only a trace of the blend on the back of your hand, just enough so your hand glistens a little bit. Too much of this blend will taste terrible, and you don't want that much in your mouth all at once. A whole drop is way too much. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and this blend is strong.
Lick the trace off the back of your hand and distribute the molecules around your mouth with your tongue, especially in the back on your throat. Then swallow. This immediately gets thousands of antiviral molecules working up into your sinuses, down your throat, and into your digestive system. But that's not the most valuable part.
What's most remarkable about the lick trick is how the essential oil molecules are absorbed into your mouth capillaries, especially right in the area where your throat is most tender. Unlike taking capsules of essential oils, the molecules bypass the digestive system entirely and go directly into the blood stream right in the targeted area.
You'll want to do the lick trick frequently, especially at the first symptoms. Do it every few minutes until you actually feel the scratchy throat begin to ease up. With a bottle of the blend, you can keep up this habit at your desk, between TV commercials, or at every stoplight.
Because viruses are trying to take over your entire system, they'll duck and dodge and get you down again if you're not careful. So you'll want to keep your blend handy. When you feel the scratchy throat coming on again or getting worse, even in the middle of the night, get up and do the lick trick over and over for about an hour. Don't wait for the morning because viruses multiply fast and dig in hard.
The lick trick is also handy for getting rid of bad breath, taking down a cold sore or canker sore, helping with a painful tooth, and other mouth-oriented infections.
There are many other interesting and effective ways to use essential oils that don't involve smelling like the oregano-spiced pizza delivery boy. Diffuse them in the room where you shower, bathe, or shave. Use them in an Epsom salts bath. Apply them topically, take capsules, and put a drop or two in all your drinking water.
Here's how I create the blend: Put 20 drops each of oregano, peppermint, geranium, and basil. Then add 100 drops of tea tree oil. This is the blend you'll use for your lick trick. It has many other uses.
Bill Fifield has trained thousands in the safe use of therapeutic essential oils. He was personally trained by Dr. Daniel Penoel MD who is one of the foremost authorities worldwide on medical uses of essential oils. You will find all the oils listed in this article plus instructions and videos demonstrating how to use them on Bill's website,

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Skin Discoloration - Age Or Liver Spots, Hyperpigmentation - How We Get Them & What To Do About It

Freckles. Age spots. Liver spots. Dark patches. Pregnancy mask. Melasma. These are all different names for the same thing: hyperpigmentation. This is a very common skin disorder that occurs mostly in women. Older men are often seen with dark patches on their skin as well. It appears on the face, chest and hands most commonly, but can occur anywhere on the body. Two primary causes of hyperpigmentation are sun-damage and hormone disregulation. The loss of the hormone estrogen is what makes women more likely to have issues with it than men. Most of us have at least one mark, our birth mark, that makes us unique and identifies us. But are the rest preventable?
Freckles are hyperpigmentation marks that develop, usually but not only, on fair skinned people, upon sun exposure. They can be dark or light, large or small. There are two types of freckles: Ephelides are freckles that fade in the winter, while Lentigines develop darker and do not fade. The spots themselves are not important, but the long term effects of the sun are devastating to the skin. Slackening of skin tone and accumulated discoloration are only among the visible effects of sun damage. While the term "age spot" is a bit misleading, the fact that built up sun damage creates these spots and that they are prone to get worse as we get older is true. The spots have absolutely nothing to do with age alone. "Sun spots" is a more accurate term. Likewise, the term "liver spot" is a complete misnomer as the liver has nothing to do with skin pigment or discoloration.
Why do these spots occur? The sun stimulates "melanocytes" which are found deep in the epidermis and are responsible for our pigment, or melanin. The more sun we are exposed to, the more pigment our skin produces. When we begin to see dark spots on the skin that don't fade, we then have hyperpigmentation. If you have any spots that are irregular in shape or color you should see a doctor for a cancer screening. Skin cancer does not only occur on moles as is commonly thought. Any bluish or jagged edged spot should be checked.
To get rid of normal brown sun spots requires a protocol of a few very simple steps along with a healthy dose of patience. If you follow these easy steps you will be able to see a difference in time. Your spots will fade slowly over a period of several months. This can be difficult to see on a day to day basis since it is a slow process. So it is best to continue treatment without being obsessive about checking the mirror each day! You will be a lot happier if you just go about your skin routine and forget about it for a while. If you can, you may want to take a "before" photo. Then in a few months another photo in the same location and with the same lighting. Do this every few months for a year to see the changes in your skin.
1. Exfoliation -- Keep the skin exfoliated well in order to allow penetration of the active ingredients. Hyperpigmentation begins deep in the epidermis. This step is crucial to successful treatment.
2. Treatment - Application of a product made to inhibit melanin production
3. Protection - You MUST use a sunscreen daily no matter what the weather or you will defeat your entire treatment plan.
There are several courses of action to reduce or remove sun spots. The first method of course is prevention by means of sunscreens and vitamin C serums. We will discuss Vitamin C serums in another article. Many of us had too much sun exposure as children and young adults to be completely free of spotting. If you have ever sunbathed a lot, you will get spots. It is never too late to treat sun spots. But it is never too early to start taking care of your skin properly so you don't get them in the first place.
Perhaps the fastest method with the least effort to you is the laser. This often requires at least 6 to 8 treatments several weeks apart and has lead to permanent scarring in some cases. If you choose this method, make sure your clinic does a test patch somewhere discreet before using the laser on your face.
Another option is Cryotherapy. This is when liquid nitrogen is applied to the spot and freezes it off. I perform this in my office under my esthetics license with great success. There is little to no risk of scarring with this method and many times it can be treated with one or two visits. This is much more affordable than the laser but it is difficult to find skin centers that offer this technique, although with the advent of the "Cryoprobe," it is becoming easier to find. If this interests you, do a search for the term Cryotherapy or Cryoprobe in your area and see what results come up.
Topical products are the only other option if you are intent on getting rid of dark spots on your skin and should be used as spot treatments only, never applied all over the skin! If you smear a lightening gel all over your face, it will lighten all of your face, not just your dark patches! So your skin will still be uneven in tone and it will most likely look more blotchy than before you started using your lightening product.
The most popular and most effective ingredient in skin lighteners is Hydroquinone, which has been available for fifty years to reduce skin discoloration. There is controversy over its safety but there is no disputing that it works when used as directed. The side effects of hydroquinone occur rarely in users and are primarily that of skin thickening on areas of use, or the skin turning a bluish brown color in darker skinned people. Some studies have indicated it to be a carcinogen. To date, this has not been proven. The most common known side effect is a slight skin irritation. This is resolved by discontinuing use.
A formula of 20% Azelaic Acid is proven to be as effective as 2% Hydroquinone over a longer amount of time. Therefore products with Azelaic Acid may take a bit longer to be effective. Retinoids and Retinol (forms of Vitamin A) have been well researched and proven effective in not only creating collagen in the skin, but in lightening dark spots due to its exfoliant properties.
This is a most challenging skin condition! The problem that most clients run into is the amount of patience required for skin lighteners to be effective. When a person applies the product for a few weeks and then begins to forget to apply it, they will say that it does not work. And they would be right since it takes longer than a few weeks to see results. But with continued use you can reduce the amount of melanin that your skin produces in these areas, and thereby "lighten" or "bleach" the skin.
We have chosen a variety of products for our store that have a variety of ingredients from the more aggressive (hydroquinone) to the very natural, more preventative ingredients. You can find them under "Shop by Product Type" and then "Lightening Products."
Marie Black is a practicing Esthetician and President of Acorn Body Care, Inc. She has helped thousands of people with various skin conditions ranging from acne to hyperpigmentation. She has hand picked an assortment of what, in her experience, are the best anti-aging skin care products in the professional spa market. The products she offers on her website are all natural and organic and contain no artificial fragrance or color. Email help is available through the website if you have particular questions about the best treatment for your skin.

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Comparing Different Eye Care Solutions for Dry Eyes

More than 20 million Americans suffer from dry eyes. There are many different causes and levels of dryness. While some dryness can be temporary, some can be more long lasting. Often times, dryness can occur with people that sit at a computer all day long. When our eyes are focused on one thing for long periods of time, less blinking occurs. But when you look away from the computer, or go on your lunch break, the dryness often goes away. Others experience a more severe form of dry eyes, that doesn't come from staring at a screen. Eighty-six percent of people with dry eyes suffer from evaporative dry eye, which is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction and a lipid deficiency of the eye's natural tear film. Depending on the level of dryness and the cause of it, there are different eye care approaches.
The first and easiest approach is eye drops. The most common kinds are used for fast relief and can range anywhere from $5 to $8. The higher performance lubricants can range anywhere from $10 - $15. Over the counter drops or medicated drops can go as high as $60. Depending on the severity of your dry eye symptoms, and how often you need to re-lubricate your eyes, this can be pricey if you're going through a few bottles a week.
In severe cases, where there is a lipid deficiency and blinking doesn't provide any lubrication, there are some methods to reduce the blockage of the meibomian gland.
Some people opt for goggles that are designed to provide a humid environment while moisturizing the sensitive skin around the eye. They generally come with moisture pads or gels, that are placed into the goggles, and then worn anywhere from 20-45 minutes which stimulates tear production and the release of lubricating oils. These goggles cost about $50 and have reusable pads that cost about $25 for 50 or so uses.
If these don't work, there is a somewhat new alternative called Lipiflow that has been around since 2011. It is a cutting edge treatment for Evaporative Dry Eye. Lipiflow is a thermal eyelid massage. It applies consistent, comfortable heat to your eyelids with a gentle pulsating pressure that massages out the liquefied blockages of your meibomian glands. This treatment costs about $1,400, or $700 per eye.
The painless procedure lasts about 12 minutes and can reduce the blockage for nearly 12 months. The degree of success varies on the severity of the blockage, but in 79% of patients, they've seen a 10-100% improvement. (According to
If you'd like to know more about Lipiflow procedures or have any eye care questions, you can check out some eye care institutes such as,

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to Dress to Survive Cold Weather - 12 Tips on How to Stay Warm Outside During Winter

  1. Dress in Layers - You can always remove outer layers if you get warm.
  2. Wear 100% Polypropylene underwear - or other moisture wicking underwear. No matter how many layers you wear, you will be cold if you are wet. The key is to wear form-fitting, moisture-wicking underwear that will wick the moisture away from your skin. Cotton underwear will soak up moisture and hold it next to your skin, making you cold.
  3. Avoid Unnecessary Movement - if you know you will have to be still later on. For instance, if you are a hunter walking to your tree stand or blind, start earlier and walk slowly so as not to cause excessive sweating. Also, it is a good idea to tie your coat around your waist or put it in your daypack as you walk. You may be cold at first, but with the coat on you are more likely to sweat. As you walk, you will warm up. Save the coat for when you really need it and are sitting still for long periods of time.
  4. Wear a Hat or Cap - Most of your body heat is lost through your head. You will be surprised at how much warmer you will be if you wear something on your head. You may also choose to wear some other type of warm headgear. Something such as a ski mask that covers your face, including your ears, and nose is nice and in some climates essential. Again, save the hat for when you are still or have a lower level of activity if possible. A 100% polypropylene baklava under your head gear will serve to wick moisture away from your head.
  5. Wear a Scarf - or turtleneck. Just make sure your neck is covered with something warm.
  6. Wear Warm Outer Layers - 100% wool is a good insulator, or you may choose from a host of other high tech outer layers such as polar fleece. Always pack a rain suit or other water-proof outer shell that is large enough to cover all of your layers. If it starts to rain you will be glad you did! Take along a heavy water-resistant coat. Don't skimp on something cheap. Get a coat with good insulating qualities and a built-in hood. Outer shells that have a wind blocking material in them will help keep those cold gusts from making their way through your clothing. Wear pants that fit a little loose with layers on under them. Blouse your pants with blousing rubbers or stuff them into your boots to trap body heat and prevent cold drafts from finding a path up your pants leg.
  7. Wear Mittens - Believe me when I tell you that your fingers will be much warmer with mittens on than with gloves! Now there are mittens that have a folding top part which allows you to expose the ends of your fingers when you need to use them. You can then flip the top half of the mitten right back over your fingers for protection.
  8. Use a Hand Warmer - If you're going to be sitting still for long periods of time and it is important to you to have more finger dexterity than pop-top mittens will allow, you may want to give a hand warmer a try. These are usually made from polar fleece or other warm material and have a waist strap with a quick release. The heat generated from your hands inside the insulated sleeve keeps your fingers toasty and ready for use at a moments notice. Also referred to as a hand warmer is a device which operates on butane. The outer shell of the hand warmer is aluminum and it is carried in a cloth pouch with draw strings. For hunters and wildlife observers this may not be a good option, since the scent from the burning butane may alert wildlife downwind of you to your presence. If it's cold enough, you may not care.
  9. Wear Under Socks - Start off with under socks made of 100% polypropylene. You need to wick as much moisture as possible away from your feet and toes. A pair of thick wool socks over your under socks will serve to further wick moisture and they will also act as a good insulator.
10. Wear a good pair of cold weather boots - Your choice of boots should depend on where you intend to trek, how much you intend to walk, and how cold you expect the weather to be. If the weather is not that cold...let's say 40 - 50 degrees above zero, Fahrenheit, and you intend to trek across areas where you may have to step in small puddles wear a good pair of boots that have good insulation and contain a water-resistant material that allows your feet to breath. If you expect to be sitting still for an extended period of time, you will want to wear boots that are designed with a large pocket of air in the toes. This air pocket along with insulation in the boot will keep your toes warm in some very cold weather! The only drawback is that you will look like you are wearing Mickey Mouse shoes! They are cumbersome to walk in for long distances, however for times when you don't need to walk very far and will be sitting for an hour or more in very cold weather, these boots are perfect!
11. Buy Your Boots with Extra Room - Be sure when you try on a pair of boots that you wear the socks you will be wearing in the woods. If you wear a pair of athletic socks when you try on your new cold-weather boots, there will not be enough room for your thick wool socks. I would rather my cold weather boots were just a little on the big side rather than the other way around. Extra air in the toes provides for extra insulation. Tight boots restrict circulation in your toes which will also make them colder. Just make sure you don't get boots that are so big they rub a blister on your heel.
12. Use a Blind - whenever possible for wildlife viewing or hunting. Anything to help block the wind will also help keep you warm.
Darryl Rodgers is a stay-at-home dad, author, and adventurer. He grew up in rural South Carolina hunting, fishing, and playing in the woods near his home for hours at a time. At the age of 19, Darryl started a career as a corporate pilot. He served as a medic in the Army National Guard and eventually became a Copilot/Gunner on the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.
Darryl has owned several small businesses but has been most successful and had the most fun running an outdoor summer day camp for boys. He has also worked with at-risk boys through a non-profit program. Darryl is the proud father of two boys, ages 8 and 15. Through his years of practical experience in working with boys, Darryl has become an expert on what boys like, how they learn best, and what things they need to be taught that they are missing in school.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keep Those Coughs and Colds Under Control

The winter months bring along with it cool and exhilarating weather but common coughs and colds come in its wake too. A large number of people tend to develop coughs and colds in the winter months. However as long as you are healthy and fit, it's not really something you should be unduly worried about. In most cases, coughs and colds will take their own course, no matter what you medication you decide to take. These can generally be treated with over-the-counter medicines. Both these afflictions are caused by viruses and can pass from one person to the other very easily.
Keeping the Symptoms under Control
Whenever a person who is suffering from a cough or a cold, sneezes, tiny droplets of saliva get thrown into the air. The viruses spread via this infected saliva. If you are suffering from a cough or a cold, carry tissues with you and use them every time you sneeze or cough. There are some steps you can take to reduce the effects of coughs and colds:
•Keep yourself warm with more layers of clothing. Take a certain amount of acetaminophen/ibuprofen. It will ease the aches and pains that accompany coughs and colds.
•Ensure that you maintain a steady flow of fluid intake. Stick to fresh fruit juices and water.
•Reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages like cola, coffee and tea. There are numerous over-the-counter medicines available at the pharmacy.
•Do not consume excessive amounts of any medication.
•Your immune system helps you fight cough and cold viruses and boosting it goes a long way in recovering faster. Increase your intake of fruit, whole grain foods and fruit. They contain large amounts of minerals and vitamins.
•Do not smoke when you have a cough or cold. This hinders your immune system from working at optimum levels.
When do you need to Visit a Doctor?
In most cases, you will not need to visit a doctor for treatment. Colds and coughs tend to fade out and disappear within 7-10 days. However, if it lasts for more than 3 weeks and you suffer from shortness of breath, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible. If you already suffer from any other chest condition or feel any chest pains, do not delay in seeing your physician.
Since your body's immune system is fighting against the infection, your body temperature might rise. Keep it under control with an acetaminophen formulation. However, if the fever shoots up too high or refuses to abate despite the medication, go to a doctor for treatment.
You should contact a doctor if you find that the symptoms persist beyond 3 weeks. Owl Now Urgent Care has experienced doctors who can treat severe colds and coughs. Call them today. Also, check out their page on Coughs and Colds.

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What Are The Symptoms Of The Chikungunya Virus?

Technology might have advanced and the advancement in science might be hitting its zenith but every now and then a new disease hits the human race in various parts of the world and doctors just stare helplessly into the face of such diseases. One of these diseases is Chikungunya.
Chikungunya first came into existence in 1954 in Africa. A few years back it hit the human race once again and since then doctors and researchers have been looking for a suitable vaccine or cure for the disease. A large number of people fell victims to Chikungunya in Asia and Africa and ended up losing their lives.
It is important to recognize the symptoms of Chikungunya in its initial stages else you might be in for some serious trouble. If you have the following symptoms, it is recommended that you go to a doctor immediately:
1) Headaches: People suffering from Chikungunya often suffer with headaches frequently. Headaches may go on for days together at a stretch.
2) Pain in joints and body: People also confront with pain in parts of body especially joints. The pain is frequent and keeps increasing with every passing day. Swelling of joints is another symptom that has been noticed in people suffering from chikungunya.
3) Nausea and being sick: Vomits and nausea are a common symptom of many diseases and Chikungunya is no exception. The Chikungunya fever often makes the person feel nauseate. Ladies and children vomit at regular intervals of time, more frequently than men.
4) Bleeding: Bleeding may form a constant feature of the life of a person suffering from Chikungunya. Hemorrhage may occur at times too.
5) Rashes and chill: One develops rashes on the skin and these rashes keep appearing frequently. A person may also feel cold in even the hottest of weathers.
If someone in your family or friends happens to have these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Chikungunya can be cured in its initial stages. However, it is almost impossible to cure a person suffering from Chikungunya once it gets too late.
A lot of research is being put into the matter and there are some herbal vaccines available in the market but it is yet to be seen how effective they prove to be.
The best way to stay away from this fever is to take proper precautions and keep away the mosquitoes. Make sure you keep your surroundings clean and take proper precautions while sleeping.
James Raft is interested in learning about various new viruses. He is also a writer for Computer Lover, a computer website which has information on topics such as Computer Problems and SolutionsGaming Motherboards and much, much more.

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The Flu Vaccine: Riskier Than You Thought

In recent years there has been a great deal of debate over the use of vaccines and their associated risks. There are many groups in today's society that are second guessing the choice to vaccinate their children as well as themselves. While there has been substantial evidence to support the use of vaccines on major epidemic viruses such as the measles and the mumps, there are inherent risks that can range from 1 in 100,000 to as common as 1 in 300. One of those vaccines, the flu vaccine, has been widely debated in regards to its safety, ingredients and effectiveness.
The first aspect of the flu vaccine that must be understood is the ingredient listing. These ingredients are the reactive elements that are injected into a person's body when they receive their vaccine. According to the Centers for Disease Control's website, the 2012-2013 flu vaccine contained 6 additive ingredients to the base viral strains. These additives include aluminum salts, formaldehyde, penicillin, egg and thimerosal (better known as mercury). The base viral strains were formed from a combination of the 2011 active strain of influenza virus and the H1N1 (swine flu) and H2N3 (bird flu) viruses according to the Federal Drug Administration in 2013. Many who get a vaccine for the influenza virus do not know that these ingredients are included. Many of the chemicals and compounds listed also have negative effects on the body tissues and neurology. Take for example, the story of Desiree Jennings of the Washington Cheerleaders fame. She is quoted as saying:
"On August 23, 2009, I received a seasonal flu vaccine at a local grocery store that drastically, and potentially irreversibly, altered my future. In a matter of a few short weeks I lost the ability to walk, talk normally, and focus on more than one stimulus at a time."
Desiree suffered from dystonia, or uncontrolled muscle spasms that were confirmed by John's Hopkins University as vaccine toxicity. Her case is not the only one that has grabbed attention though. In Finland, the government has agreed to pay the long term health costs of several young children whose cases were conclusively linked to their flu shots that contained the H1N1 virus. These examples are the just some of the side-effects suffered from the flu vaccine. A recent published article in HealthDay News showed some disturbing evidence that previous versions of the flu vaccine were responsible for a syndrome that has been directly linked to the vaccination. The article sites a study showing that the 2009 version of the vaccine showed a slightly higher risk of a neurological disorder called Guillian-Barre Syndrome. Researchers found that 77 people had contracted the rare syndrome that causes paralysis and even death.
One of the major points of contention over the influenza vaccine is the use of thimerosal in certain versions of the product. Thimerosal is better known as mercury and according to both the Federal Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, thimerosal is currently listed as an ingredient in the multi-use dose of the vaccine. The risks associated with mercury contamination in the body range anywhere from destruction of the myelin sheath that protects our nerve cell synapses (responsible for communicating throughout the body), to permanent damage to the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus. These critical portions of our brain affect the bulk of our cognitive thought processes and body regulations. A vaccine impacting the brain to this extent must be something to think about before agreeing to its use. In a CNN article written by Sara Clachor, another concern about the levels of themerosal in vaccines is brought to light: "Except for about 8 million doses, the flu vaccine contains a preservative, thimerosal, a known neurotoxin." Considering the numbers around the world range in the tens of millions of vaccinated individuals, there are large numbers who are receiving doses with up to.25mcg of thimerosal. Natural health experts and health based websites link themerosal to the rise in autism rates in the United States, however there is a lack of scientific research to back up these claims.
In addition to the H1N1 and H2N3 viruses and themerosal, the high concentration of aluminum in the aluminum salts used for preservation of the virus in the vaccine increases the toxicity of mercury in the blood and intensifies its reaction in the body. Another ingredient, formaldehyde, is a highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health it can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system. The viral and additive concoction is kept "live" by using egg protein from chickens. This base has been shown to not be organically raised and may contain the hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria. The other risk inherent to the egg base is the risk of severe reactions for those afflicted with egg allergies.
There is a saying that sometimes there is more than meets the eye. This is a true statement applicable to the influenza vaccine. Knowledge of the ingredients, side effects, and health risks have been key to making an informed decision whether or not to vaccinate one's self, children and family. With additional research it becomes more apparent that there are many associated risks to the flu vaccine that many may not be aware of. Think twice before believing whole-heartedly about how safe a product is, just because someone says it is safe. Many will claim that the risks are well known across the medical community, but not always shared with the general public for many reasons. Taking some time to do the research can make the general population the informed individuals who can chose what is best for their own bodies. I invite you to continue to do your own research and become fully informed - you are in the driver's seat for your health!
To discover more valuable information, tips, articles, and more from Dr. Kristen, please join our free E-Wellness Community by clicking this link or visit us at now!

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