Friday, December 28, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses

Vinegar has been used to cure and prevent a variety of ailments for centuries. As early as the time of Hippocrates, considered by many to be the father of medicine, vinegar was used to treat patients. During the Civil War, it was used as an antiseptic. What makes it so special and why should you use it?

Apples are one of the most nutritious, health-giving foods available, containing a host of vitamins and minerals like pectin, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorous and potassium in addition to enzymes and amino acids. Apples are the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar detoxifies and purifies various organs in the body. As a purifier, it breaks down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body. By breaking down these substances, it improves the health and function of organs such as the kidneys, bladder, and liver.

It oxidizes the blood, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, and neutralizes any toxic substance or harmful bacteria that enters the body by ingesting certain foods. Apple cider vinegar promotes healthy digestion, assimilation and elimination.

Research has proven that apple cider vinegar can assist in strengthening the heart, stabilizing blood sugar and reducing the risk of certain cancers. It flushes harmful toxins from your body and assists in weight control.

Try drinking two to six teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with water every day. It can also be used in cooking or sprinkled on salads, vegetables, etc. You can drink it as a hot or cold beverage and sweeten it with honey.

There are many common ailments and conditions that can be treated by using apple cider vinegar. A few of them are listed below:

*Arthritis - In addition to drinking vinegar with water every day, you can also soak the arthritic area in a hot solution of the vinegar and water (half a cup of vinegar to three cups of water). If you cannot soak the area, you can make a poultice soaked in the vinegar and water solution and wrap it around the are. When it cools, soak again, wring out, and apply again.

*Cancer - Apple cider vinegar cannot cure cancer, however, because of its antioxidant properties, it neutralizes free radicals (Free radicals can severely damage our cells, leading to aging and cancer.), reducing the risk of various cancers. The vinegar also contains pectin, a high fiber ingredient, resulting in a reduction of colon cancer risk.

*Constipation - Adding fiber to our diet (present in the pectin in apple cider vinegar), increases our body's ability to have regular bowel movements, thus eliminating harmful toxins from our body.

*Diarrhea - The pectin in apple cider vinegar swells up and results in the formation of bulk, easing the problem of runny bowels. When the vinegar is taken before a meal, it can prevent diarrhea.

*High blood pressure - The potassium in apple cider vinegar can be beneficial to both the heart and blood pressure by helping to make the blood thinner, resulting in a reduction of high blood pressure.

*Weight loss - You cannot lose weight without a properly working metabolism. If the food you eat is not metabolized efficiently, the nutrients from the food will not be accessible, resulting in excess weight gain. Apple cider vinegar detoxifies the body and helps the digestion process, resulting in a highly efficient metabolism that burns the fat instead of adding it to your body.

The suggestions listed above are just a small sampling of the many uses for apple cider vinegar. Before spending your hard-earned money for expensive medicines to treat various non-life threatening ailments, try using the vinegar. It is cheap and easy to use.

For healthy living and weight loss resources and informational links to diets, health issues, mental health issues, and how to reduce disease through nutrition and lifestyle, please visit Feel Better Blog.

Source: Articlealley, +Debra Gropp