Monday, October 8, 2012

How I cover Face Wrinkles

How I cover Face Wrinkles

Author: Karla Sutton

Other than applying wrinkle creams, many women try to cover up wrinkles with make up. Cosmetics can be used to hide, if they are applied correctly. However, many women apply too much make up or choose the wrong skin care products. Ironically enough, this can create the opposite effect. When the make up is not applied properly, it can make the wrinkles more visible.

Before applying any cosmetic products, it's important clean your skin thoroughly. Wash the skin with a gentle cleanser and apply an anti aging cream to the skin. When the skin is moisturized, it will accept the make up better and you will achieve better results. You can apply a skin moisturizer before using foundation or just use a tinted moisturizering lotion. This will depend on the amount and depth of the wrinkles you want to address.

Many women make the mistake of applying too much foundation in an effort to cover wrinkles. This is a mistake. The foundation will crack and make the wrinkles more visible. Choose a foundation for medium coverage. A matte finish works best for hiding wrinkles. Use a powder on top of the foundation. Powders reflect light and help you achieve better results.

Using a concealer can help to hide wrinkles. The color of the concealer you choose will depend on the effects you wish to achieve. A yellow base is best for covering dark circles under the eyes. To minimize wrinkles, choose a concealer with a white base.

Women tend to have problems with the area around the eyes. To address this, moisturize the area around the eyes {{on a daily basis|every day}}}. Use an anti wrinkle cream that is made for the eye area. Choose your eye shadow products carefully. Powder works better than cream eye shadows. Creams tend to pool in the wrinkles and can make them stand out. Use lighter colors on the majority of the eye are to reflect light and minimize wrinkles. It is best to use a deeper color at the lower part of the eyelid.

Applying blush will help cover capillaries that may be on the cheeks as well as fine lines. Use a powder rather than a cream-based. As with eye shadow, powders are less likely to pool in lines and make them stand out more. Use your blush sparingly to conceal wrinkles and lines.

Lastly, lips seem to be a problem area identified by many women. To fight this, use an anti wrinkle cream prior to applying your make up. Use foundation to help prevent the lipstick from bleeding onto the surrounding area. Apply lipstick with a stiff brush to keep it in place. Cream lipstick products work best for minimizing wrinkles in the lip area.

By combining the best wrinkle creams with these make-up tips, will help you minimize the wrinkles you have and prevent new wrinkles from forming. Choose skin care products and anti wrinkle creams carefully. Invest in good quality products for the best results. Read reviews to help you find the best products for your skin type. This will help you make the right choice and get the best results possible.

Karla is a skin care product reviewer and contributing editor for Wrinkle Cream Review sites.

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