When this condition arrives this is usually characterized by the formation of lumps in the breast. Most of this conditions are usually painless, but can be felt when touch. Another thing is, they sometime create a spiny sensation, even though this is not usually common. The lumps in this condition are hard and are particularly persistent after menstruation. Usually, this can be felt in the breast particularly in the underarm area.
Between the 3rd and 4th stages of the development of the cancerous tumor, the person involve with this deadly disease can feel tenderness in the breast. Pain is usually present, but the sensation varies from time to time.
Usually there is a change in the size of the breast and this one is another notable breast cancer symptoms. This condition can be notice by an uneven increase in size. Not uncommon is the flattening that occurs in the affected area, even though a lump cannot be felt. Sometimes an indentation can appear, again without a noticeable sign of a lump. Individual who suffers breast cancer feel that they have a small area that resembles marble under the skin. To be safe, if you notice any area that is particularly different, you should consult your doctor.
Altered or change skin texture and temperature are some of the symptoms of breast cancer. Women who suffered with an advanced stage of this kind of cancer experience a significant change in the skin of the affected area. Some tiny dents start to surface and become reddish to resemble orange peel. The area is much warmer to touch which is not normal.
Women who suffer breast cancer experience a change in the nipple. A change in the nipple is one of the widely known breast cancer symptoms. It may become depressed and get an unusual dimpled look. A form of ulceration is also evident. Feeling itchy or burning are some of its symptoms.
When a discharge from the nipple is taking place it can also signal the presence of a tumor. Whatever the color and texture of the discharge is, you must consult your doctor right away. You must remember that this is not normal and even if you do not have a tumor, you might be suffering from another condition.
It is very important for you to consult a physician, if you have any of these breast cancer symptoms
Know how you can treat breast cancer naturally. Get to know the best prevention when signs of breast cancer symptoms arise and fight your disease successfully.
Source: Articlealley, john daniel