Saturday, September 22, 2012

Home Remedies For Liver-Cleansing

Home Remedies For Liver-Cleansing

Author: Alien

Our liver is responsible for many important functions in the body. The liver produces bile and because bile helps in breaking down fats it is important for normal digestion and for the delivery of nutrients from intestines into the blood. The liver regulates the structure of blood and the basic biochemical processes of the body and is also responsible for the regulation of the metabolism and for the manufacture and storage of protein in the body. The liver will neutralize harmful substances in the body. The liver-cleansing should be performed only after the cleansing of the intestinal tract to avoid a self-poisoning of an organism. Caution: before the liver-cleansing and gall bladder cleansing check if there are stones present in those organs. If there are, then any kind of cleansing is not advisable. Diabetes, acute forms of internal diseases, cold, flu and infectious diseases, an aggravation of chronic illnesses, weakness, stress, pregnancy and breast feeding-all those conditions prevent from liver-cleansing as well.

Prepare juice from 10 kg of the washed but not peeled black radish. You will get about 3L of juice. Store the juice in the refrigerator. Mix the fibers that are left after making juice, with sugar(500 g for 1 kg of fiber)or with honey(300 g for every kg), and store it in a warm place. Take 1 teaspoon of juice 1 hour after each meal. Gradually increase the doze up to half of glass. Cleansing usually goes smoothly and easy. If you feel any discomfort put a warm hot-water bottle on liver area. When all juice is gone, start adding fibers,prepared early, to your meals-2-3 tablespoons at a time. This remedy not only cleans a liver but also makes the heart and lungs stronger. During the liver-cleansing process you must stay away from fatty and spicy foods.

Cut 3 washed unpeeled beets to small pieces and place them in 3L glass container. Add 2 table spoons of wheat flour and 500 g sugar. Keep container in dark place at room temperature for 2 days. After that add 700 g of seedless raisins, 4 cups of sugar and half a cup of water and keep for one week, stirring once a day. Strain the remedy after 7 days. It will turn out about 1L of juice. Take 1 table spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal. When all the juice is gone take a break for 3 months. After the break repeat the process for 3 more months, and then for 3 more. That should be enough for the liver to clear out completely.

Liver-cleansing with the help of herbs takes longer but is less intense.

Mix equal portions of a horsetail herb, corn stigmas, knotweed and calendula flowers. Boil 1 table spoon of the mix for 2 minutes in 2 cups of boiling water and steep for 30-40 minutes. Then filter and drink 0,5 cup 3 times a day after meal. Continue for 3 weeks, take a break for a week and repeat for 1 more week.

This method is good for people with a beginning stage of hepatitis. Mix equal parts of barberry berries, birch leaves, wormwood and yarrow. Put 1 table spoon of the mix in 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 30 minutes. Drink 1 cup in the morning and in the evening.

Combine 3 parts of knotweed grass, 1 part of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of buckthorn, 4 parts of St. John's wort grass and 4 parts of everlasting flowers. Put 4 tbsp of the mix in 1 L of cold water and keep overnight. In the morning boil for 5-10 min and filter when it cools down. Drink first cup in the morning on an empty stomach, the rest divide in 4 and take 1 hour after each meal. Drink ½ cup of pumpkin juice every day.

In 1 cup of cold boiled water add some honey and few drops of lemon juice. Drink at night before going to bed.

Gall bladder and gall bladder stones:

Cut 2 grapefruits with the skin into small pieces, then put in 1 1/2 L of water and let stand through the night, and then filter. Drink 1 cup in the morning before breakfast.

Drink olive oil 30 min before meal. Start from 1/2 tsp and slowly increase an intake to 1/2 cup. Treatment takes 2-3 weeks.

Alien writes for Natural cures. He also writes for family health and alternative medicines

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